
Gut microbiome profiles associated with steatosis severity in metabolic associated fatty liver disease

Figure 1. Microbial changes by advanced steatosis. Principal coordinate plot of microbiome data grouped by the presence of high (CAP ≥ 300 dB/m) steatosis or low steatosis (CAP < 300 dB/m). Ellipsis represent 95% confidence interval (A). Alpha diversity as measured by Shannon index between patients with high or low steatosis (B). Taxonomic plot of genera present in patients with high or low steatosis. Only genera with a relative abundance ≥ 1% are shown (C). Differential abundance testing by DESeq2 showing genera that are significantly different between patients with high steatosis as compared to those with low steatosis (D).

Hepatoma Research
ISSN 2454-2520 (Online) 2394-5079 (Print)


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