
The role of percutaneous hepatic perfusion (PHP) in the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma

Figure 3. Consecutive MR images (T1 sequence post contrast) of a patient with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, which was initially treated with right hemihepatectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy. (A) Shortly after the right hemihepatectomy the tumor relapses in segment 4b; After the first PHP treatment (B), the tumor has decreased in size and vitality; (C) following the second PHP, the treated lesion has further decreased in size, but a new metastasis, which had not been evident at time of the PHP, has developed in segment 1 (D); The lesion in segment 1 is treated with radiosurgical photon therapy. The third PHP is performed and provides disease stabilization of the tumor; A new lesion in segment 3 (E) is successfully addressed with microwave ablation (F).

Hepatoma Research
ISSN 2454-2520 (Online) 2394-5079 (Print)


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